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Ken Bichell
Dubuque, IA 52001 

(563) 590-2408 

For thirty- five years I have fired my stoneware and porcelain utilizing wood as my fuel source. I have flirted with other means of finishing my work but always return to the mystery imparted by flame and ash. I create a form with clay, and then in partnership with the forces of fire and what seems like some medieval alchemy, returns the clay to rock. It is a process that I can influence but never completely control. This sometimes-torturous dance between design and destiny breathes life into my work which exceeds my own imagination’s capacity.


Pottery Tour

October 18-20
Twenty Dirty Hands

Elizabeth & Galena, IL
Hazel Green, WI 
Dubuque, Asbury & Maquoketa, IA

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